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DiSC training

Remember that boss you just couldn't get through to? We know why...and we can help.


Have you ever wondered why some people just don't get you? Or ever thought "I cannot even begin to know what my boss needs, 
even when I ask her, I still don't know."

Most of us have felt that way at one time or another! The good news is there's a simple tool designed to help you understand yourself AND other people too. Everything DiSC helps you build more effective working relationships based on an understanding of different behavioral styles.


Everything DiSC is not a test, it's a personality assessment. This research-validated model helps you understand yourself and others, saving you time, energy, and money. Better employee communication means efficiency on both individual and company levels.


Everything DiSC is the best DiSC personality assessment available. We made sure of it. ​

what is DiSC?

DiSC is a very simple—and memorable—model made up of four basic styles: D, i, S, and C.

Everyone is a blend of all four DiSC styles—usually one, two, or even three styles stand out. Unlike simple personality tests, there is no perfect DiSC style. Since each person has a unique behavioral profile, people are walking around all over the world with different styles and priorities. We believe that these differences are extremely valuable. Once you assess these differences and harness their value, you’ll have better workplace communication AND healthier organizations. (Who doesn’t want that?!)


Seems simple, right? It is. But it’s not simplistic. Here’s why: We’ve been researching and analyzing DiSC for over 40 years—in fact, our DiSC® Classic Paper Profile was the first DiSC assessment EVER! (You’ll always know it’s our DiSC by our signature lower-cased “i” in DiSC.) As technology has evolved, DiSC has too. Our online DiSC assessments use the most advanced assessment method (adaptive testing) and sophisticated algorithms to quickly analyze a person’s responses and provide the most personalized DiSC feedback possible. And it only takes about 15 minutes to complete.

All of our Everything DiSC personality assessments are application-focused, so the
feedback is presented to you as a leader, manager, individual contributor, or sales person.


Everything DiSC solutions are frequently used as stand-alone tools, but are also paired
with other well-known personality tests like Myers Briggs (MBTI) and Caliper.


why everything DiSC is the
best DiSC

What’s in it for you and your team? Everything DiSC:

  • Provides a common language to help teams understand one another and
    work better together

  • Acts as a springboard for conversation and team building

  • Improves employee and workplace communication

  • Helps you to understand people who aren’t like you…or are too much like you

  • Reduces conflict and avoids misunderstandings


Everything DiSC

Understand yourself, your team and save time, energy and money.

What is DiSC?

our classes

Who am I? Discover Your DiSC® Style 

  • Learn about DiSC® and the Everything DiSC Workplace® Map

  • Identify your style and explore the priorities that drive you

  • Discover similarities and differences among the DiSC® styles


Understanding Other Styles 

  • Discover your reactions to different DiSC® styles

  • Identify what works for you and what challenges you

  • Use DiSC to understand the people you work with 


Building More Effective Relationships

  • Learn how others have bridged differences

  • Practice using DiSC® to build more effective relationships at work

  • Write an action plan for building more effective relationships


Using DiSC to Improve Your Conflict & Communication Skills

  • Learn about your DiSC® style in conflict and what pushes you to go from healthy to unhealthy behaviors

  • Identify how other styles respond to conflict 

  • Write an action plan for flexing your conflict style to those you work with

Executive Coaching & Application

  • Each leader is offered 30 minute coaching following each learning event. 

  • Comparison reports of your style to your direct reports or co-workers will be provided.

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